Saturday, September 15, 2012

Community Part 4

Action Items for a Better Community
I have a feeling that a lot of people would like to change their communities in some way. Maybe we want to develop new communities because we recently moved, or maybe our communities have changed on us because other people moved, or because we started dating, got married, had a child, got a sickness, a child left the house, or we really want to spend all our time with our new dog.  For whatever reason we feel like our communities need to change, and we don't know how to do that.

Since location is so critical for community, I wonder if  we can start with location first, and then work on the attachments after that.

For finding a location, here are some questions I've been asking.

  • Does it attract interesting people because of its qualities? 
  • Can you contribute something to the location to enhance it? 
  • How close is it to your house?
    • Do you know your neighbors? 
    • Can you hang out with your neighbors at all? 
    • Are there any community events for your town? 
    • Is there a local breakfast place, coffee shop, or place where people gather that you can visit? 
Building attachments at your location.
  • Have you tried to be vulnerable at all? 
  • Do you have a chance to share something that you are passionate about? 
  • Is it a place that your family fits in and feels a part of the community?
  • Is there some kind of activity that will give the community a sense of achievement?
  • Do you admire any of the people in your community?
  • Have you ever told someone in the community that you like them as a person? 
I hope these blogs on community have been entertaining to think about! Wish us luck as we keep exploring the communities of Bardstown, Kentucky! 

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